Ping Services iPad 与 iPhone My Weil Wellbeing 生活 My Allegro Living App 生活 South Central Resident App 生活 Roselawn Resident App 生活 Millers Quay Resident App 生活 Kings Chelsea Concierge App 生活 Atrium Point Concierge App 生活 One Eighty Stratford Resident 生活 Queen Street ...
Tob - Simple Tool Boxes Utilidades H5网页浏览-极简收藏h5网站与游戏的浏览器 抠图神器-一键换背景-证件照生成 Fotografía y video 轨迹手账-会记录时间与地点的手帐 艺术家滤镜-支持自定义风格样式的滤镜 高中数学思维-授人以鱼不如授人以渔 Educación ...
PowerShell – Teams Phone number Assignment Distribution Group based on Head of Organization Add users to acceptmessagesonlyfrom Exchange 2010 Database White Space Report Get Group Distinguished Name Delete files older than X days PowerShell: Check Lync Services and start if not running Get User Dis...
you will be notified via email, account message and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices you may have regarding this information.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, the number of surveys conducted remotely by mobile phone in low-income and middle-income countries has increased rapidly. This shift has helped sustain data collection despite restrictions on mobility and interactions....
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IMO, the controller document is about the ID, not about the referent of the ID. This is a break with the open world data model that many in the work advocate. But the inability to use JSON-LD semantics to make statements about the identifier make this assertion unusable in practice. Memb...
change webhooks and BeepManager webhooks different. State change webhooks are perfect when you want to create an integration with Pingdom that reacts upon state changes, e.g. to reboot a server, make a phone call, send a push notification to a mobile device, etc. BeepManager webhooks, on...
KeyWorldPhoneBool RemoveGroupUuidString ServiceClassNone ServiceClassVoice UssdOverCsOnly UssdOverCsPreferred UssdOverImsOnly UssdOverImsPreferred プロパティ メソッド CarrierConfigManager.Apn CarrierConfigManager.Bsf CarrierConfigManager.CarrierConfigChangeEventArgs CarrierConfigManager.Gps CarrierConfigManag...
'change': 1711488209387, 'created': 1711488209387, 'customer_id': '202306261809OGK26', 'dep': False, 'enable': 'inactive', 'homeloc': False, 'interval': 3, 'label': 'Check NodePing', 'modified': 1711488209387, 'mute': False,