(包括19的)大家对运行cmd ping+ip地址的方法好像都很熟悉 但很多时候我根本不知道连的是哪里的服务器 ip地址我也只搜到了荷兰和爱尔兰的 找不到英国的ip地址 这时候 我上reddit看见了最简单的测延迟方法 1.运行 2.输入cmd 3.输入Ping utas.fut.ea.com 按回车 自动跳ping 我是主机党 用的是电脑连同一网络...
I use CCleaner and I could do a rollback to the previous version of the driver for that part. I also found this solution on reddit, seems to have worked for others and works for me at the moment. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3ahg59/fix_for_wireless_pin...
换了网络,用了5GHz,关了蓝牙,设备管理器彻底禁用2.4G,均尝试无效。 甚至已经下单ax210准备买回来换了,商家都发货了…… 然后发现了reddit的一个帖子,贴了一版驱动: 装上之后发现还是跳ping,就关机,出门没再管了。 在外面的时候,顺手买了ax210,商家发货也是很快 等到回来之后,开机,上线,卧槽……不卡...
There are some parts of life that will take a while to return (e.g. early morning or late night cycles), but there are also those that I can resume, perhaps with a little bit of sacrifice. HT and I will have to take turns to do our facial sessions at JB, we may have to settle...
I'm on windows desktop at the moment, S23ultra as daily driver and I'm looking at the microsoft september surface announcements for a surface laptop studio 2 to replace my aging surfacebook 2. My usage pattern has settled to desktop for work, laptop when out and about, ipad mini or pho...
AdGuard.com | Wiki | Reddit | Twitter | Telegram AdGuard Home is a network-wide software for blocking ads & tracking. After you set it up, it'll cover ALL your home devices, and you don't need any client-side software for that. It operates as a DNS server that re-routes tracking...
I use CCleaner and I could do a rollback to the previous version of the driver for that part. I also found this solution on reddit, seems to have worked for others and works for me at the moment. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3ahg59/fix_...