The “ping” command in Linux is used to test the connectivity between two network devices. It sends ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request packets to the targeted device, and if the device is reachable and responsive, it will reply with an ICMP echo reply packet. The ping co...
1、“Request timed out.”表示没有收到目标主机返回的响应数据包,也就是网络不通或网络状态恶劣 2、“Reply from X.X.X.X: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255”表示收到从目标主机X.X.X.X返回的响应数据包,数据包大小为32Bytes,响应时间小于1ms TTL为255,这个结果表示您的计算机到目标主机之间连接正常。 3、“...
如果连接成功,您将看到一系列包含“Reply from”的响应行,显示每个发送的请求都得到了响应。 如果连接失败,您将看到“Request timed out”的消息,表明请求没有在规定的时间内得到响应。 三、高级ping命令选项 除了基本的ping命令外,还有一些高级选项可以帮助您更详细地了解网络连接情况。例如: -t:持续发送回显请求,直...
using System; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; public class PingExample { public static void Main() { string host = ""; int timeout = 3000; // 设置超时时间为3秒 Ping ping = new Ping(); PingReply reply = ping.Send(host, timeout); if (reply.Status == IPStatus...
结果说明 Ping命令有两种返回结果: 1、“Request timedout.”表示没有收到目标主机返回的响应数据包,也就是网络不通或网络状态恶劣 2、“Reply from X.X.X.X: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255”表示收到从目标主机X.X.X.X返回的响应数据包,数据包大小为32Bytes,响应时间小于1ms TTL为255,这个结果表示您的计算...
/w <Timeout> Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the Echo Reply message that corresponds to a given Echo Request message to be received. If the Echo Reply message is not received within the time-out, the "Request timed out" error message is displayed. The default...
A response of "Request timed out" means that there was no response to the ping in the default time period (1 second). You can check for the following: Thepingcommand is blocked at the corporate or personal firewall level. Configure the corporate firewall to allow thepingcommand network acc...
If the echo Reply message isn't received within the time-out, the "Request timed out" error message is displayed. The default time-out is 4000 (4 seconds). /R Specifies the round-trip path is traced (available on IPv6 only). /S <Srcaddr> Specifies the source address to use (...
In this case, you’ll receive the terminal output: “Request has timed out”. Failed ICMP echo request to the IP address If the ping command with the given host name cannot be resolved from a corresponding IP address (because of a typo, for example), you’ll then receive the...
ping是网络诊断工具的意思。ping是一种计算机网络工具,用来测试数据包能否透过IP协议到达特定主机。ping的运作原理是向目标主机传出一个ICMP的请求回显数据包,并等待接收回显回应数据包。程序会按时间和成功响应的次数估算丢失数据包率(丢包率)和数据包往返时间(网络时延,Round-trip delay time)。在...