在命令提示符窗口下输入ipconfig命令,将返回您的计算机在网络上的IP地址(IP Address)、子网掩码(Subnet Mask)及网关(Default Gateway),如果您的计算机使用的是自动获取IP,而在IP Address后面显示的是169.XXX.XXX.XXX的IP地址则您的计算机并没有从DHCP服务器上获取到可用的计算机IP地址。这时可以使用命 令ipconfig ...
Use the Ping IP Address dialog shown inFigure 1to invoke the z/OS Communications Server PING command and receive the output of that command. Figure 1. ping command Take Action dialog box The z/OS Communications Server PING command sends an echo request to a foreign node (remote host) to ...
Ping command with the target computer’s IP address: ping Copy Ping command with the target computer’s host name and domain: ping google-public-dns-a.google.com Copy Here we are using the IP address of the DNS server provided by Google as the parameter for the ping command: ...
every response received. Thepingcommand calculates round-trip times and packet loss statistics, and displays a brief summary on completion. The ping command completes when the program times out or on receipt of a SIGINT signal. The Host parameter is either a valid host name or Internet address....
Open Command Prompt. Type “ping” in the black box and then press space. Type the IP address you want to ping (e.g., 162.XXX.X.X). Evaluate the displayed output. For Linux, open Terminal. The different IP addresses through which your request is routed can be reviewed using the trac...
(4) arp -d IP:使用本命令能够人工删除一个静态项目。 04 traceroute命令 掌握使用traceroute命令测量路由情况的技能,即用来显示数据包到达目的主机所经过的路径。 traceroute命令的基本用法是,在命令提示符后键入“tracert host_name”或“tracert ip_address”,其中,tracert是traceroute在Windows操作系统上的称呼。
Traceroute的用法为: Traceroute [options] <IP-address or domain-name> [data size] [options]的内容有: [-n]:显示的地址是用数字表示而不是符号 [-v]:长输出 [-p]:UDP端口设置(缺省为33434) [-q]:设置TTL测试数目(缺省为3) [-t]:设置测包的服务类型 ...
ping -i [number] [IP-Address] -i选项设置每个数据包发送前的超时间隔(以秒为单位)。 示例: 命令ping -i 5将每隔 5 秒向环回地址127.0.0.1发送一次ICMP Echo Request数据包。下面是输出示例: PING bytes of data. ...
第一种 开始-运行-输入cmd(2000、xp系统)或command(98系统)-ping第二种 开始-运行-输入cmd(2000、xp系统)或command(98系统)—ipconfig /all—显示出的ip address项就是你的ip地址—ping你的IP地址就可以了 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 攸攸攸 200...
Ping一台同网段计算机的IP,不通则表明网络线路出现故障;若网络中还包含有路由器,则应先Ping路由器在本网段端口的IP,不通则此段线路有问题;通则再PING路由器在目标计算机所在网段的端口IP,不通则是路由出现故障;通则再Ping目的机IP地址。 4、Ping网址: