Using ping command in Linux Most Linux distributions come with this command. But it may not be available in containers. Toinstall Ping on Ubuntuor other such systems, you'll have to install the iputils-ping package. Once you have it available on your system, you can use ping command with ...
Pingis the abbreviation of “Packet Internet Groper”.Mainly, we use Ping Command to check the connectivity of the peers in networking. In the network world, there are many Linux Servers or Linux based devices. On these devices, Ping is used too much. So,Ping Command in Linuxis one of ...
Here's a summary of what I explained in this ping command tutorial with different flags: More on commands Ping is one of theessential Linux networking commands. A must have for troubleshooting network connections. 21 Basic Linux Networking Commands You Should Know A list of basic Linux networking...
For a comprehensive list of networking tools, check out:Linux Network Management, Troubleshooting, and Debugging Summary Pingis a very common method for troubleshooting the accessibility of hosts on a network. In this article, we’ve explained12practical ping command examples for testing the reachabili...
This tutorial has shown how to use the Linuxpingcommand through hands-on examples and offered a couple of alternatives that cover other networking aspects thatpingdoes not. Linux network commandstutorial and download a free PDF cheat sheet to always have them at hand....
Thanks to Linux, we have access to many tools that facilitate networking administration & diagnostics. In this sense, the Linux ping command is one of the most useful tools for sysadmins and network administrators. Its basic function is to determine if one host of the network is reachable or ...
The ping command in Linux. To use the ping command in Linux, access the shell prompt, and use the following syntax. $ping [IP address, hostname, or URL of the remote system] For example, to, use the following command. ...
Thecurlcommand is helpful for testing HTTP or HTTPS ports (like 80 or 443). The syntax is: curl -I [address] For example, run the following: curl -I Conclusion This article explained several ways to check whether a port is open in Linux, Windows, and macOS. It in...
Boot Linux GRUB version 1 GRUB version 2 Alternative boot loaders dmesg command Runlevels /etc/inittab Change runlevel Network protocols What is an IP address? What is a MAC address? What is DHCP? What is DNS? Basic networking ifconfig command Configure a static IP address in Ubuntu Configu...
This guide has given an in-depth look at the Linuxpingcommand and some of the most useful options it has to offer. With this, you have the tools you need not only to start using thepingcommand on your Linux system. You also have tools to make the most of it, tools for tuning your...