ping目标显示-Destination host unreachable 我的理解-* Destination host unreachable(不能到达目标主机)物理网络设备出现问题,有可能是网卡、网线等设备出现问题 Ping包未从本地主机发送出去 Requset timed out(请求超时)目标地址或者中间转发设备出现问题 Ping包从本地主机发送出去,但没有得到目标的回复 下面内容...
2. Calculation of Round-Trip Time (RTT): The ping command calculates the round-trip time for each packet sent to the target device. It measures the time taken for a packet to travel from the source machine to the destination machine and back. RTT is displayed in milliseconds (ms) and ca...
2.Destination host Unreachable(无法访问目标主机) (1) 对方与自己不在同一网段内,而自己又未设置默认的路由,比如上例中A机中不设定默认的路由,运行Ping就会出现“Destination host Unreachable”。 (2)网线出了故障 这里要说明一下“destination host unreachable”和“time out”的区别,如果所经过的...
ensp ping不通网关 Destination host unreachable 目录 一、网关 1、网关的概念 2、设置网关 二、eNSP软件操作 1、eNSP软件常用的操作命令 1.1用户视图与系统视图 1.2常用命令介绍 2、用SecureCRT链接eNSP 3、通过配置网关实现不同网络区域的设备互通 一、网关 1、网关的概念 网关(Gateway)又称网间连接器、协议转换...
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable ping: sendmsg: Required key not available From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable ping: sendmsg: Required key not available From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable Removing both peers and re-adding them ...
我的理解-*Destinationhostunreachable(不能到达目标主机)物理网络设备出现问题,有可能是网卡、网线等设备出现问题Ping包未从本地主机发送出去Requsettimedout(请求超时)目标地址或者中间转发设备出现问题Ping包从本地主机发送出去,但没有得到目标的回复下面内容是找的Destination host unreachable(不能到达目标主机)目标主机...
I can ping from a VM running CentOS 6.4 to the host successfully but cannot ping from the host to the VM without receiving Destination host unreachable. I can view the arp entry on the host which clearly shows the correct mac address to the VM but fails with destination host unreachable....
If the device receives no Echo Request message, it determines that the destination is unreachable. host: indicates an IP address or a domain name. If it is a domain name, the device performs DNS resolution and displays the resolved IP address. You can use the parameters -s and -f ...
If the device receives no Echo Request message, it determines that the destination is unreachable. host: indicates an IP address or a domain name. If it is a domain name, the device performs DNS resolution and displays the resolved IP address. You can use the parameters -s and -f ...
注意:确保您没有在任何 VLAN 下使用no ip unreachables禁用ip unreachable命令。此命令会返回数据包丢弃消息,而不会返回任何 ICMP 错误消息。在这种情况下,traceroute 不起作用。 扩展traceroute 命令 扩展traceroute命令是traceroute命令的变体。扩展trackers命令可用于查看数据包采用什么路径到达目的地。同时该命令还可用...