銀行名PING AN BANK CO., LTD. 住所265 SHANGWU WAIHUAN ROAD, ZHENGDONG NEW DISTRICT 市ZHENGZHOU 支店ZHENG ZHOU BRANCH 郵便番号450000 国 中国 接続有効 送金Wiseのご利用で海外送金手数料を節約。銀行より5倍も安い手数料です。 資金を受け取るWiseをご利用になると、本当の為替レートで支払いを...
, China, Jinan Jinan Branch SWIFT BIC Code - SZDBCNBSJNB Step 1 : First 4 charachters (SZDB) represent bank code of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (Formerly Shenzhen Development Bank Co.,ltd.). Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (CN) represent country code of China. Step 3 : Next 2 charachters...
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Is a SWIFT code the same for all branches? Do I need an IBAN number as well? Disclaimer Wise has not carried out any enquiries on the legal standing of any of the banks and financial institutions listed. Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any ...
Diligent, positive: During the school, I earnestly study each course and with excellent results through the examination of the course, has received third-class scholarship. In the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University and the Peoples Liberation Army 261 Hospital internship, I actively to ...
分公司:天津/沈阳/郑州/广州/北京/上海/苏州/重庆/长沙Branch:Tianjin/Shenyang/Zhengzhou/Guangzhou/Beijing/Shanghai/Suzhou/Chongqing/Changsha 办事处:石家庄/济南/烟台/威海/潍坊/南京/深圳/东莞/合肥/宁波/杭州/金华/温州/厦门/哈尔滨/大连/长春/内蒙古/武汉/太原/西安/重庆 ...
銀行名稱PING AN BANK CO., LTD. 地址265 SHANGWU WAIHUAN ROAD, ZHENGDONG NEW DISTRICT 城市ZHENGZHOU 銀行分行ZHENG ZHOU BRANCH 郵遞區號450000 國家 中國 連接可用 匯款使用Wise可以節省國際手續費,該費率比銀行便宜5倍。 接收款項使用Wise,以實際匯率收款。
The SWIFT BIC Code SZDBCNBSBXM is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of China, Xiamen Xiamen branch, Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (Formerly Shenzhen Development Bank Co.,ltd.). SWIFT BIC Code of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (Formerly Shenzhen Development Bank Co.,ltd...
Diligent, positive: During the school, I earnestly study each course and with excellent results through the examination of the course, has received third-class scholarship. In the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University and the Peoples Liberation Army 261 Hospital internship, I actively to ...
分公司:天津/沈阳/郑州/广州/北京/上海/苏州/重庆/长沙Branch:Tianjin/Shenyang/Zhengzhou/Guangzhou/Beijing/Shanghai/Suzhou/Chongqing/Changsha 办事处:石家庄/济南/烟台/威海/潍坊/南京/深圳/东莞/合肥/宁波/杭州/金华/温州/厦门/哈尔滨/大连/长春/内蒙古/武汉/太原/西安/重庆 ...