These alerts detect changes in key performance metrics. Integrate these alerts with your favorite tools (like Slack, PagerDuty, etc.) and New Relic will let you know when something needs your attention. API Response Time(seconds) This alert is triggered when the response time exceeds 2 seconds...
apiKey) @@ -127,6 +139,10 @@ public static class Builder { // The free-tier (gcp-starter) doesn't support Namespaces! private String namespace = ""; private String contentFieldName = CONTENT_FIELD_NAME; private String distanceMetadataFieldName = DISTANCE_METADATA_FIELD_NAME; /** * ...
pinecone.init( api_key=os.environ.get('PINECONE_API_KEY'), # environment=os.environ.get('PINECONE_ENV') # next to API key in console ) index = pinecone.Index(index_name) embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY')) vectordb = Pinecon...
Go to Pinecone and create your account if you don't have one. For this quickstart template, please create a index in your Pinecone account named langchain-test-index. Keep your Pinecone API key in a safe place and you will need to pass it for t...
のタイプ キー apiKey 値 PineconeのAPIキー シークレットの名と説明を入力しま。 ローテーションの設定はすべてデフォルトのままにます。 シクレットの作成が完了ると、Secret ARNが発行されます。 Secretは後ほど作成するknowledge baseの設定で使用します。 Bedrock...
For the indexing step, copy over the index, environment, and API key from the Pinecone UI. You can find the API key and the environment in the “API Keys” section in the UI. Step 3 - Create a Connection Once the destination is set up successfully, set up a connection from the Gi...
An application I've hosted online throws an error whenever it tries to query a pinecone database that I've set up. Whenever I run the same code (same pinecone environment and API key) on my local device, the queries go through just fine. Any ideas on what could be causing this issue...
pinecone.init(api_key=os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"],environment=os.environ["PINECONE_ENV"])#check if index already exists, if not we create itindex_name="rag-index"ifindex_namenotinpinecone.list_indexes():pinecone.create_ind...
These alerts detect changes in key performance metrics. Integrate these alerts with your favorite tools (like Slack, PagerDuty, etc.) and New Relic will let you know when something needs your attention. API Response Time(seconds) This alert is triggered when the response time exceeds 2 seconds...
Go to Pinecone and create your account if you don't have one. For this quickstart template, please create a index in your Pinecone account named langchain-test-index. Keep your Pinecone API key in a safe place and you will need to pass it for this...