网络释义 1. 肿瘤 ...釉细胞瘤(ameloblastoma) D.平伯氏肿瘤(Pindborg tumor) 16.大部份的小唾液腺肿瘤(minor salivary gland tumors)最…|基于 1 个网页
(redirected fromPindborg tumor) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia tu·mor (to͞o′mər, tyo͞o′-) n. 1.An abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function; a neoplasm. ...
Recurrent calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg tumor): A case study. Oral Oncol Extra. 2005; 41 :259–66.Tabangay-Lim IM, Mallari RN, Lacsamana NM, Paz DDZ, Villafuerte ARR, Quilendrino PRM. Recurrent calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg tumor): A case study. Oral ...
Pindborg tumor answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Pind·borg (pind'bōrg), Jens J., Danish oral pathologist, 1921-1995. See:Pindborg tumor. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page...
Calcifyng epithelial odontogenic tumor, which is locally aggressive n nature, is a rare benign tumor of jaws. It usually Iocates in the posterior mandibuiar region with the mandibie/maxiiia involvement rate of 2/1. Since its first description by Pindborg ...
Intraosseous calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumour: A rare entity. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2015;19:269.More CB, Vijayvargiya R. Intraosseous calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor: a rare entity. 2015;19(2):269. doi: 10.4103/0973- 029X.164561 ...
G.: Pindborg tumor: the so-called cal- cifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, Cancer 1970: 25: 629-636.Vap RD, Dahlin DC, Turlington EG. Pindborg tumor: the so- called calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor. Cancer 1970;25: 629-35.
To describe a case of possible diagnosis of Pindborg tumor on the distal femur. A 32-years-old female patient, a native of Bolivia, resident in Brazil, arrived to this service for tumor research in the right femur. After biopsies and resection of the lesion, the case was referred to ...
Calcifying epithelial odontogen- ic tumor (Pindborg tumor). Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2011; 2: 225-7.Singh N, Sahai S, Singh S, SinghS..Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg tumor). Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2011; 2:225-227....