The invention relates to a method for assembling at least one coupling pin (2) in a coupling arrangement for a wave gear, for the rotationally fixed connection of a rotatably driven clutch disc (1) with an inner ring (4) of the wave gear, characterized in that the coupling pin (2) ...
中国教育科技公司海道教育推出全新产品线,进入英美市场。36氪出海获悉,海道教育于9月14日晚召开发布会,推出旗下 HD Class 业务线全新研发的美国与英国课程产品,分别为考前提分冲刺班、Report 高分规划班、Assignment 计算题急救班、Essay 系统精讲班。据悉,海道教育专注留学后市场,通过其在线平台...
Immunohistochemical staining for COUP-TF1 in human prostate cancer, high grade PIN and benign epithelium.Ruth PeretsTommy KaplanIlan SteinGuy HidasShay TayebEti AvrahamYinon BenNeriahItamar SimonEli Pikarsky