penny-pinching 小气·小氣 pinch pennies 很節儉 pinched 捏 捏·捏 pinched pinch hitter 代打 pinched 她在鏡子前捏了捏自己胖乎乎的臉頰She pinched her chubby cheeks in front of the mirror ·捏 pinched ·有鼻音的·没钱的·消瘦·窘·贫穷的·身无分文的 pinches 捏·撮 pinch 偷 偷·偷...
A penny pincher is someone who is frugal, who “knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing”. Language snobs know what languages are most powerful, so they are loath to use anything less than the best. They don’t want to endure the cost of code duplication, cut-and-paste,...