Wokingham council set to spend millions on road improvements; The council has benefited from funding for failed schemes in other parts of Berkshire The other, which is forecast to be cheaper and more likely to get government backing, is the "pinchpoint removal scheme" - hoping to put up a ...
In zone A, only the pinching and shearing points caused by parts set in motion by an outside energy source must be taken into account. În zona A, se iau în considerare numai punctele cu risc de înțepare și retezare datorate pieselor acționate de o sursă de ener...
Moving parts can pinch, cut or amputate fingers and other body parts. graco.com 移动部件危险 移 动的部件会挤夹、割伤或切断手指及身体的其它部位。 graco.com By providing managers with tablet access to their workforce management solution anywhere at any time, we enable them to effectively manag...
some cruft there, and sloppy duplication there, they you can hire from a bigger pool of employees, deploy to a wider range of platforms, hit more markets more frequently. The key point that the penny pinchers miss is that while using inferior tools has a cost associated...
金属的最后需求量反过来又取决于产品的最后需求量,并受下列两个因素的影响:(a) 提高材料效率,也就是说,减少生产一个产品单位所需金属的数量;(b)在生产过程中采用代替材料,以其他 成分代替金属。 daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org Moving partscanpinch,cutor amputate fingers and other body parts. ...
Application of a compressive radial force moves the valve member to its open state. Inventors: Penny, William H. (St. Anthony, MN) Application Number: 08/184888 Publication Date: 03/07/1995 Filing Date: 01/21/1994 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation...
As long as a machine functions, companies will typically continue to use it until it becomes impossible to find replacement parts. These older machines strain the sample in a vertical position and can be semi-open, meaning that the samples must be loaded into the frame through the top. This...
Define pinch point. pinch point synonyms, pinch point pronunciation, pinch point translation, English dictionary definition of pinch point. n 1. a traffic-calming measure in which the road narrows to one lane, with a sign indicating which oncoming driver