转自www.gdcvault.com/play/1018258/Classic-Game-Postmortem-Pinball-Construction 1983年EA发行的DIY游戏《弹珠机组合套装》的故事。Bill如今供职谷歌,他从他1979年接触电脑Apple II开始讲起自己的编程生活,他最早只会用逐像素作画的方式表现运动。他谈到几个技术问题,比如碰撞检测(collision detection)、处理玩家画出的...
Tables can be saved on floppy disks and freely traded; Pinball Construction Set is not needed to play the tables.[2] The game was later released for the IBM PC (as a self-booting disk) in 1985 and Macintosh in 1986.(展开) 我来说两句 弹球建造套装的短评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 热...
Pinball Construction Set screenshots:Pinball Construction Set is considered the first construction set game that launched the concept and genre. Construct a pinball game by dropping parts onto the table (or alter the table itself). Alter world physics like gravity, bounce, kick, and speed. Paint...
Large screen No gamepads detected. Plug in and press a button to use it. Press Keyboard right side:Alt+Enterkeys to switch to full screen game play, andAlt+Enterkeys to return. Rate it How to play Pinball Construction Set Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard...