商标名称 PINCELL 国际分类 第28类-健身器材 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 18605571 申请日期 2015-12-15 申请人名称(中文) 深圳市动力源发展有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道龙岗大道4001万汇大厦5楼506室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 -...
cell? (1)Cells:器件中的基本结构单元( 例如,查找表、寄存器、IO 单元、PLL 、存储器块等) 。 (2)Pins:Cell 的输入输出端口。注意:这里的Pins 不包括器件的输入输出引脚。 (3)Nets:同一个Cell 中,从输入pin 到输出pin 经过的逻辑。注意,网表中连接两个相邻Cell 的连线不被看作Net,而被看作同一个点,...
Pin-cell homogenizationenergy group condensationangular approximationIn general, spatial homogenization, energy group cBin ZhangHongchun WuYunzhao LiLiangzhi CaoWei ShenNuclear science and engineering: the journal of the American Nuclear Society
如下图所示。 从图中不难看出,cell就是基本的模块,可以是Verilog中的module或VHDL中的entity,或者综合后的更细粒度的逻辑单元,比如触发器(Flip Flop)、查找表(LUT)、进位链(Carry chain)。每个cell都有自己的pin,pin是有方向的。cell之间通过net相连。顶层设计中,需要给输入/输出端口(port)分配管脚(package pin)...
外形尺寸 350.66(W)* 216.25(H) x 3.4 (深) 毫米 亮度 220 cd/m2 (Typ.) 对比度 400:1 (典型值.(TM) 「轻触开关 造型样式 Slim (PCBA,t ≤ 3.2毫米) 触摸屏 PCAP,On-Cell 包装和发货信息 Packaging Details 防静电袋,防震气泡袋,清洁纸箱和泡沫。
The analysis was done from the pin-cell level to full core level to investigate the uncertainty propagation in the two-step neutronics calculation scheme. The responses analyzed contained the k(inf) , homogenized cross-sections, sodium void reactivity (SVR), Doppler constant (K-D) and control ...
原装NV156FHM-T01 V8.0 15.6 "LED LCD in cell For HP edp 40pin-cell 1920x1080, You can get more details about 原装NV156FHM-T01 V8.0 15.6 "LED LCD in cell For HP edp 40pin-cell 1920x1080 from mobile site on
1. Introduction to the UAM/Exercise I-1b “Pin-Cell Burn-Up Benchmark” The general frame of the OECD LWR UAM benchmark consists of three phases with different exercises for each phase [1]. In the Phase I (“Neutronics Phase”), the Exercise 1 (I-1) “Cell Physics” is focused on...
In the Monte Carlo (MC) burnup analyses, the uncertainty of a tally estimate at a burnup step may be induced from four sources: the statistical uncertainty caused by a finite number of simulations, the nuclear covariance data, uncertainties of number den
pin, port, cell, net 一幅图即可解释清楚: 更标准的官方解释: