“pin-up”艺术,指的是20世纪早期,在美国流行的手绘招贴画、宣传画、海报、工业草图、插画等艺术形式,因为常被用钉子钉在墙上,就得名“pin-up”(pin的意思就是大头针、钉子)。pin-up girl就是手绘的美女招贴画,可以译为画报女郎、海报女郎、招贴画女郎……知名的艺术家有George Petty、Alberto Vargas、Gil Elvgren...
Pinup Girls and Classic Pinups. Gifts decorated with classic bombshells and nose art of World War II in the classic styles of the 30's, 40's and 50's including posters from such noted artists as Alberto Vargas, Gil Elvgren and Al Moore.
pin-up:上世纪50年代的PS技术 Gil Elvgren是一位享有盛名的画家,他所擅长的插画被称为“pin-up art”,而他笔下的女孩则被称为“pin-up girls”。(注:pin-up意为钉在墙上的,这是因为这些作品最初是用来钉在墙上的,以方便人们欣赏。)不仅如此,Gil Elvgren还可以算是将“修改女性图像以使之更符合社会审美标准...
pin•up (ˈpɪnˌʌp) n. 1.a large photograph, as of a sexually attractive person, suitable for pinning on a wall. 2.a person in such a photograph. adj. 3.of, suitable for, or appearing in a pinup. 4.designed for hanging or fastening on a wall:a pinup lamp. ...
在当时,许多美国士兵都以拥有一幅pin-up girl招贴画为荣,以至于40年代,pin-up girl成了全美的时尚,成为全世界的记忆和流行。早期最受欢迎的“pin-up girl”之一是Betty Grable ,军营里的大兵们几乎人手一张她的招贴画。 Betty Grable 同时期,pin-up girs还成为了nose art(飞机机身上的涂鸦或装饰画)中的一个重...
Classic Fine Art Nudes of Vallotton, Munch & Falero ==>Check out this year’s Calendar Girls Pinup Calendars on Amazon! Mokenas Curtain Call Theatre Gets Cheeky With Calendar Girls Show Patch - 1 day ago ... Elizabethton Star continues tradition of Calendar Girls in 67th year ...
VOTE 1.1k people have voted on Pablo Picasso's Greatest Works of Art MORE LIKE THIS The Most Beautiful Women From The '60s And '70s The Most Beautiful Pin-Up Girls of the '50s The Most Beautiful Women Of The '60s The Most Beautiful Women Of The '70s Famous Pin-Up Artists The Best...
It’s easy to think of pin-up art as a charming relic of the old boys’ club—images that might line the walls of a Mid-Century smoking room where Don Draper and Roger Sterling slap each other on the back. And the names of the artists that come up over and over again are men: ...
Check out this amazing collection of erotic, pinup, and fantasy art by the the world's top illustrators!
Check out this amazing collection of erotic, pinup, and fantasy art by the the world's top illustrators! Erotic-Fantasy-Art.com is the world's best online community for pinup, erotica and fantasy art.