The meaning of PINTO is a horse or pony of various breeding that is marked with patches of white and another color.
The meaning of TOGGLE PIN is a pin with a shoulder and eye at one end and at the other a hinged locking device that prevents the pin from being withdrawn from a fitting until the locking device is in line with the pin.
to bind or hold to a course of action, a promise, etc. to force (someone) to deal with a situation or to come to a decision: We tried to pin him down for a definite answer, but he was too evasive for us. to make (a piece of masonry) level or plumb with wedges. ...
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: Which point of view is used in the following passage: You always wanted to win the lottery, but ...
While this is its most common meaning in texting, be aware that it is a rare term, and it might mean something else. If our meaning does not fit, give the context of your conversation a name (e.g., love, sport, space, astronomy) and include it in your search term. ...
To pinpoint something is to nail down its exact location.The point of a pin is very small and fine. Similarly, when you pinpoint something, you have narrowed down its location to the smallest possibility: you've found out exactly where it is. The government is constantly trying to pin...
pin somebody/something ↔ down meaning, definition, what is pin somebody/something ↔ down: to make someone give clear details or ma...: Learn more.
"peg or bolt of wood or metal used to hold things in place or fasten them together," from… See origin and meaning of pin.
pinpoint meaning, definition, what is pinpoint: to discover or explain exactly the real ...: Learn more.
The meaning of PINWEED is any of a genus (Lechea) of herbs of the rockrose family with slender stems, many small leaves, and tiny flowers.