Pin assignment for the M5-Camera Model B. #definePWDN_GPIO_NUM-1#defineRESET_GPIO_NUM15#defineXCLK_GPIO_NUM27#defineSIOD_GPIO_NUM22#defineSIOC_GPIO_NUM23#defineY9_GPIO_NUM19#defineY8_GPIO_NUM36#defineY7_GPIO_NUM18#defineY6_GPIO_NUM39#defineY5_GPIO_NUM5#defineY4_GPIO_NUM34#defineY3_...
* = Raspberry Pi 2 ONLY. GPIO 35 & 47 are not available on Raspberry Pi 3. GPIO Sample As an example, the following code opensGPIO 5as an output and writes a digital '1' out on the pin: C# usingWindows.Devices.Gpio;publicvoidGPIO(){// Get the default GPIO controller on the sy...
The dimensions in the above diagram are: A = 48.3 mm, B = 51.3 mm, H = 16.1 mm, and P = 7.1 mm. People often buy this product together with: 0.100" (2.54 mm) Female Header: 2x20-Pin, Straight Aluminum Standoff for Raspberry Pi: 11mm Length, 6mm M2.5 Thread, M-F (4-Pack)...