The pin code of NA, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, IN is 282001. As per the first 2 digits of this Indian postal code, 282001 pin code belongs to post circle Uttar Pradesh. Last 3 digits of the code are assigned to the 509 Command Sub Post Office. 509 Command S.O pin code officially comes...
List of surguja Locations Pin Code Location Pincode State District Ajabnagar 497001 Chhattisgarh Surguja Ambikapur 497001 Chhattisgarh Surguja Ambikapur Nyalaya 497001 Chhattisgarh Surguja Ambikapur Town 497001 Chhattisgarh Surguja Annapara 497220 Chhattisgarh Surguja Arabalrampur 497001 Chhattisgarh ...
The pin code 233223 belongs to Ghazipur district located in Uttar pradesh. There are a total of 7 Post Offices in this Pin Code.1) Amehta Post Office Details: Post Office Name: Amehta PINCODE: 233223 Taluka: Saidpur District: Ghazipur State: (Uttar pradesh) Type: Branch Office, Delivery...