, md pop two giant cysts on a patient's head? i was not, and i will never look at gnocchi the same ever again. however, scalp acne isn't just a tv phenomena. it's an everyday occurrence that many more people experience than you might think. "scalp acne refers to pimples scattered...
As someone with breakout-prone skin, I’ve experienced every type of acne a person can get (including butt acne, neck acne, back acne, chest acne, and scalp acne). But a pimple on my lip very well may be my Roman Empire. And everyone who knows me—or has seen me waltzing around ...
When my sister and I started breaking out on our scalp we got tested for allergies. We found out we were allergic to the casein in dairy. I stopped all dairy for a couple of years and now I can eat yogurt and occasionally Irish butter without breaking out. If I eat too much yogurt,...
Dr. Pimple Popper explains the the most common types of pimples she comes across as a dermatologist and what do to if you see these types of pimples at home.
Scalp pimples are just as painful and itchy as a pimple on your face or back, but more difficult to treat because they are covered by your hair. The only advantage to scalp pimples is that they are largely hidden by your hair, but the natural oils from your hair or headwear can worsen...