Pimax Crystal拥有目前市场上所有消费类 VR 头显中最高的清晰度和像素量。 它的 FOV 不如 Pimax 8KX 大,但仍然比市场上几乎所有其他 VR 头显大,无论是垂直还是水平 FOV(视野)。 Crystal 标配 35 PPD 镜头,以及可选的可增加 FOV 的大 FOV 镜头。 每个规格(我们将在下面详细介绍); 透镜FOVPPD材料 标准镜...
Pimax Crystal通体黑灰配色,主机面板采用的是小派一贯的设计风格。主机上的物理按键很少,除开上文提到的双模切换开关之外,只有三个。面板右侧顶端有两个,靠前的是电源按键、靠后的是音量调节按键;左侧顶端有一个,是瞳距调节按键,支持的瞳距调节范围为58mm-72mm(Crystal也可实现自动调节IPD,并支持注视点渲染)。头显还...
A headset like no other, the Pimax Crystal features two powerful ways to enjoy VR. PCVR allows you to leverage the power of a beefy pc and dedicated graphics card to experience the very best that vr has to offer, while the XR2 powered Standalone mode, AIO, enables the flexibility and ...
苹果Vision Pro 的生态封闭限制了用户的选择,其应用内容相对不足。相比之下,pimax crystal 支持SteamVR生态系统,拥有更丰富的内容和应用选择,更适合满足用户的需求。 2. 清晰度和FOV 效果不如pimax crystal: 虽然苹果 Vision Pro 在技术规格上声称具有高清晰度和广阔的FOV,但实际使用效果并不如pimax crystal。pimax...
Hi all, in an effort to come to terms with what I've experienced and hopefully get some constructive feedback, I've decided to outline my experience upgrading from a HP Reverb G2 V2 to a Pimax Crystal Light, spoiler: I've decided to go back to using the
On the visual side, Pimax Crystal Super showed all its best sides:the resolution was incredibly high and the visuals appeared to me as very detailed.The screen door effect was not present. The very high resolution was also paired witha very wide field of view, both on the vertical and the...
苹果Vision Pro自正式上市以来引发了广泛关注,国内领先的高端VR头显制造商小派科技(Pimax Technology)于2月29日在北京召开了一场媒体见面会,邀请了众多国内知名的科技与财经媒体前来对比体验了Vision Pro和小派的旗舰产品——小派水晶(Pimax Crystal),还就空间计算的发展前景进行了深度探讨。会上小派科技副总裁李杰做了...
The Crystal usesBOE’s second-generation CLPL(customized low persistence liquid ) RGB vertical stripe display panels combined with the new technologies of “QLED” (quantum dot layer) and Mini-LED for backlighting. The use of Mini-LED offers a “local dimming” ratio of 20000:1,whilst the ...
Pimax Crystal:尽管价格略高,但考虑到其出色的清晰度、FOV和内容支持,以及优秀的舒适度和佩戴体验,Pimax Crystal仍然是专业PCVR玩家的不二之选。 结论:对比Pico Neo4,Pimax Crystal在清晰度、FOV和内容支持等方面拥有明显优势,适合专业PCVR玩家。考虑到其综合性能和体验,Pimax Crystal值得您的选择。
A headset like no other, the Pimax Crystal features two powerful ways to enjoy VR. PCVR allows you to leverage the power of a beefy pc and dedicated graphics card to experience the very best that vr has to offer, while the XR2 powered Standalone mode, AIO, enables the flexibility and ...