Nadeem Yousufzai, the head of the Civil Aviation Authority, urged people not to speculate on the cause of the crash before all the evidence had been collected. He said he had listened to a recording of the conversation between the pilot and the control tower and said the pilot was in a ...
But not so fast...the language covering pilots was woven into the Homeland Security Act, which in its final form had many attachments. One of them was a one-word change in the Senate. The word "passenger" was inserted before the word "pilots," effectively excluding cargo pilots. ...
The FAA gives final denial to only 0.01% of applications. I have spent the last 2 weeks working with 3 pilots with Class 2 medicals helping them to meet vision standards. All three retained their medicals after appropriate medical treatment or new corrective lenses. Maybe you think, John, tha...
In Japan, the World War II kamikaze are also known as “tokko,” meaning “special attack” pilots. As the tide war in the Pacific turned against Japanese forces in 1944, the tactic of crashing bomb-laden planes into US warships was instituted by Adm. Takijiro Onishi as a last-ditch ...
Removed unneeded resources from android.jar binaries used by OnBot Java to reduce final size of Robot Controller app. Added MR_ANALOG_TOUCH_SENSOR block to Blocks Programming Tool. Version 3.4 (built on 17.09.06) Changes with version 3.4 include: Added telemetry.update() statement for BlankLine...
Japan’s Kyushu island is home to two moving museums that detail the final thoughts of the young WWII pilots tasked with flying their bomb-laden planes into US warships.