DALLASPilots at American Airlines approved a new labor contract, marking a key step in the company's recovery from bankruptcy and possibly speeding up a merger with US Airways (LCC). American CEO Thomas Horton said the company expects to make a decision on the merger soon. Pilots: Labor deal...
Pilots at American Airlines plan strike voteDAVID KOENIG
Pilots at American Airlines have approved a new contract that will raise their pay more than 40% over four years.
Pilots at American Airlines have authorized a strike vote, the latest sign of growing tensions between labor and management at the second-largest airline serving O'Hare International Airport. To continue reading... Subscribe and get access to Crain's Chicago Business. Subscribe TodaySubscribe Today...
at mainline American Airlines is also $90, meaning that Envoy and Piedmont pilots will actually see a short-term pay cut when they flow through. Additionally, if they don't flow through within five years, pilots at both airlines will be owed top-level captain pay — $213 per hour — ...
Pilots atAmerican Airlines Groupdenounced the carrier’s chief executive officer, Doug Parker, on Tuesday, citing his decision last week to skip a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. The pilots’ union, the Allied Pilots Association (APA), issued a symbolic vote of “no-confidence” in...
The jet carrying 60 passengers and four crew members and the Blackhawk helicoptercollidedwhile landing at the airport Wednesday night. The pilots aboard American Airlines Flight 5342 were not new, the airline CEO said Thursday. "These are experienced pilots. I know that the captain had six years...
Pilot union at American Airlines reports spike in safety concernsIn a warning to American Airlines pilots, their union, the Allied Pilots Association (APA), says it's seen "a significant spike in safety- and maintenance-related problems in our operation."The union claims that among the "problem...
Which all leads me to the pilots atAmerican Airlines. They're suggesting that things are crumbling somewhat. No, they're not doing it with the odd tweet here and the odd press release there. Instead, the pilots union createda little filmthat reveals what they see as their own airline's ...
American Airlines pilots just successfully negotiated a new contract.They already want to renegotiate. They are unhappy with American’s business plan focusing on domestic short haul flying, with the length of their trips, and with the amount of flying by regionals: “The only ways out of this...