网络释义 1. 中试规模批次 化学药物稳定性研究技术... ... 7、气候带( Climatic zones) 8、中试规模批次(Pilot scale batch) 9、申报注册批次( Primar…|基于4个网页
This work reports on batch alkaline pretreatment of corn stover conducted using a three-factor, two-level central composite experimental design in a pilot-scale reactor to determine the relationship between sodium hydroxide (NaOH) loading, temperature, and anthraquinone (AQ) charge on solids ...
Features: Powerful 1HP (0.75 kW) motor Touch pad controls Electric rise & fall bench stand Variable speed. Nominal maximum speed 6000 rpm Compatible with the DataLogger system Nominal capacity of up to 50 litres How It Works The advantages of Silverson’s high shear rotor/stator batch mixer ov...
The maximum cell density was 28.6 × 106 cells/mL, which was 119% greater than that of the batch process. rAAV was produced on the basis of this cell culture process; the maximum cell density reached 22.8 × 106 cells/mL, and the viral vector titre was 16 × 1011 VG...
Enzymatic hydrolysate of corn straw(reducing sugar) is used, at a concentration of 25 g/L, as the substrate for hydrogen production via the dark and photo-fermentation hydrogen production device. First, the reactor was operated in batch mode for 30 d to enrich the functional strains, and ...
The present work describes a pilot scale (120 L, consisting of six 20 L carboys) batch production, harvesting and purification process for Te-PC expressed in Synechocystis from a self-replicating RSF1010-based vector. The scalable downstream processing includes efficient biomass flocculation with the...
aerobicgranularsludgeinpilot—scalesequencingbatchreactor TUXiang(涂响),SUBen—sheng(苏本生),LIXiao—ning(李小宁),ZHUJian—rong(~建荣) SchoolofEnvironment,BeijingNormalUniversity,Beijing100875,China ◎CentralSouthUniversityPressandSpringer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2010 垒Springer Abstract:Theaerobicgranularsludgewascul...
Pilot-scale fed-batch fermentation of strain HTX-33-GLN1-ΔPAS_chr4_0305in bioreactor.a, Changes in biomass and methanol consumption. Pilot-scale fed-batch fermentation was performed in a 500 L automatic bioreactor system with 300 L working volume. Temperature and pH were set at 33 °C and...
Pilot Scale and Kilo-lab Custom and Standard Components Chemical Process Batch Reactors Applications:Glass reactors are mainly used for synthetic reaction, distillation and concentration of different types of materials. We have single wall, double wall and tri...
In this study, ensilaging of herring (Clupea harengus) filleting co-products was taken from lab-scale to pilot scale (1500 L) while monitoring the protein degree of hydrolysis (DH) and lipid oxidation. Subsequently, the possibility of recovering fish oil and protein hydrolysates using batch cent...