Loyalty Program:Pilot Flying J的myRewards会员计划为常客提供积分奖励,积分可用于兑换燃料折扣、食品、饮料等。 此外,公司还专注于为客户提供便捷的移动体验,通过 Pilot Flying J Mobile App提供加油、食品订购、停车位预定等服务,进一步提升客户便利性和满意度。 Pilot Flying J在美国及加拿大拥有广泛的业务布局,年营...
Find Pilot Flying J truck stops and travel centers nearby. Search by location or amenity to help professional truck drivers find diesel fuel, parking, and more.
Pilot Company supplies more than 11 billion gallons of fuel per year through its Pilot Flying J travel center network of more than 950 locations that offer a variety of products and amenities to make road travel easier. Read this case study to find out how Pilot Flying J streamlined and digi...
Arizona - Pilot - Store 1243 (4) Express Fuel - Store 1262 (3) Express Fuel - Store 1312 (2) EZ Trip - Store 1226 (3) EZ Trip - Store 1232 (2) EZ Trip - Store 1275 (2) EZ Trip - Store 1277 (1) Flying J - Store 1009 (4) Flying J - Store 1025 (1) Flying J - Store...
Pilot Flying J used APIs to integrate key systems and provide an innovative omnichannel experience for professional drivers in order to improve the customer experience.
今天,我们要讲到北美最大的旅游中心营运商Pilot Flying J(下称PFJ),看看它在体育营销领域是如何从无到有,从有到优的。改变营销战略 卡车休息站运营商PFJ总部位于美国田纳西州东部城市诺克斯维尔,在43个州运营着750多个零售门店,每天服务消费者超过130万人。而在近日,在ESPN旗下的大学橄榄球赛事转播节目《东南...
Has anyone noticed that when you get fuel at Pilot or Flying J in Fernley That after your charge post there still is a pending charge that takes the amount out twice? It is... Read more on Yelp J R. 10/13/2018 Does it pencil to go to Fernley for gas and avoid the Washoe ...
股神巴菲特旗下公司伯克希尔哈撒韦宣布收购全美最大卡车休息站运营商Pilot Flying J的 38.6%的股份,并表示从目前至2023年的六年中,持股比例将逐渐增至公司总股份80%。Pilot Flying J主要运营项目包括加油服务、零售服务和卡车路边救助服务等。尽管在收购前该公司并不为很多投资者知晓,但目前此公司已经是全美第15大私有...
Pilot Flying J是什么网站?Pilot Flying J是北美的一家卡车服务站连锁运营商,总部位于美国田纳西州诺克斯维尔(knoxville),主要经营停车、加油、便利店、餐馆等业务,是美国最大的非上市企业之一。网站说明:Pilot Flying J_PILOTFLYINGJ于2018-12-29 12:11:15发布收录在美国商业网站类型中,距今已持续展示2234天1940...
Pilot Flying J supplies more than 7 billion gallons of fuel per year through its network of more than 800 retail and fueling locations that offer various products and amenities to make road travel easier. “Around 80% of what we sell is a commodity—diesel and gasolin...