The OECD has outlined a number of requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for the QDMTT Safe Harbour. These include rules relating to the usage of particular accounting standards, an explicit requirement regarding consistency with the GloBE rules (subject to sp...
This publication helps entities in developing disclosures on the impact of the implementation of Pillar Two model rules that meet the requirements of the Amendments to IAS 12 Income Taxes.
This enables both an IT-based completion of tax disclosure obligations (submission of Top-Up Tax Information Return per applicable unit) and a complete documentation of the compliance process as well as the modelling of tax burden effects. With respect to the tools, there are multiple options ...
Pillar 2 outlines supervisory monitoring and review standards. Pillar 3 promotes market discipline through prescribed public disclosures. As Basel 3 is implemented at the jurisdictional level, not all regulatory agencies require the same measures or levels of detail in their disclosure requirements. Bank...
Pillar 2 introduces a complex balancing act for UTPs. New UTP expenses are excluded from calculations, but future payments are included, creating a management challenge. Learn how to navigate this in our Pillar 2 series and optimize your ETR for efficient compliance. ...
The key idea was to complement the minimum capital requirements prescribed by regulators (pillar 1 under new Basel II and still current architecture) with tailored supervisory measures based on a thorough analysis of the banks' risk profiles (pillar 2). Additionally, public disclosure requirements (...
there are several key actions for groups falling within the scope of the rules including to assess the impact, prepare disclosure for group consolidated accounts, restructure if appropriate, prepare resources for the additional reporting and compliance requirements, communicate the effects to stakeholders ...
on how jurisdictions choose to administer the tax and whether they implement a qualifying domestic minimum tax. So even once the minimum set of data is collected to model the impact of the tax, there may still need to be additional data required by the local regulator for disclosure purposes....
on how jurisdictions choose to administer the tax and whether they implement a qualifying domestic minimum tax. So even once the minimum set of data is collected to model the impact of the tax, there may still need to be additional data required by the local regulator for disclosure purposes....
The computations at the other overseas banking subsidiaries are currently based on Basel I requirements. OCBC Annual Report 2011 57 Basel II Pillar 3 Risk Disclosure (OCBC Group – As at 31 December 2011) Credit Risk With Basel II implementation, OCBC Group has adopted the Internal Ratings-Based...