This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid hero allows you to barter with Pillagers using emeralds, ...
This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid hero allows you to barter with Pillagers using emeralds, allow...
Pillagers Plus Mod|我的世界1.16.3版本 厌倦了每天担心村民被僵尸杀掉的生活? 或者手残装备差打不过掠夺者们? 又或者只是看着这群奸商们不爽?为什么不加入呢? 击杀劫掠兽获得号角,然后在村庄里吹响它来发动袭击! 袭击开始后,你需要杀光村民以真正获得掠夺者们的信任; 然后你就可以用绿宝石交换钻石,鞍,弩,马铠...
pillagersplus-1.16.3-1.0.1.jar Supported Versions 1.16.3 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:pillagers-plus-449723:3213498") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabl...
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Pillager? This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid...