A picture of a pile of fries and a box of chips This resource was generated with AI. You can create your own using our AI Image Generator. Related tags: fries french fries french fries png fries mockup More AI resources from the authorSee all PremiumGenerated by AI...
‘Thin wobble pile of cakes!’ ● 4096 x 4096 PBR textures ● normal map is baked from the high poly model Please do not hesitate to contact with me. I will be happy to help you. Contact me at https://plaggy.net Formats: fbx, dae, max, obj, mtl, png
格式:png 文件体积 :25k 下载量 :1 分辨率 :128 x 128 爱给网提供海量的图标,界面UI资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png 格式的垃圾桩(Garbage_Pile), 本站编号34150105, 该图标,界面UI素材大小为25k, 分辨率为128 x 128, 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为remcodekluizenaar, 更多精彩图标,界面UI素材,尽在爱给...
or else the world would come to an end. The moment he said this, everyone in the real economy that had so far more or less brushed off the turmoil on Wall Street pulled the ripcord. People still bought food and went to restaurants...