Matt Baker you have taken an Any Card at any position routine and made it amazing. Being a Scientist and Mathematician myself, the Advanced version is terrific. I thought Hive mind was good but this is spectacular. Wow Wow wow loved it. 2 of 2 magicians found this helpful. Did this...
In the process of replacement, the accuracy of the result of load equivalence is directly determined by the number, value, and position of the concentrated force. The existing research on the bearing performance of the anti-slide pile mainly concentrates on the bending moment and deformation, ...
There is an abnormal fluctuation below the position of 1.05 m, which gets larger with load increasing; this is because the mApopdl. eSlci.p2i0l1e8,w8,a1s45g0iven the small load twice for testing the feasibility of loading and the monito9roifn1g3 devices. The loading caused movement of ...