# Add Text to an image I1.text((10,10),"Nice Car",font=myFont,fill=(255,0,0)) # Display edited image img.show() # Save the edited image img.save("car2.png") 输出: 注:本文由VeryToolz翻译自Adding Text on Image using Python - PIL,非经特殊声明,文中代码和图片版权归原作者meetsu...
open(filepath) return image def get_size(image): #获取图像的宽和高 width, height = image.size return width, height def pic_text(filepath,size,text,setFont,fillColor,filename,direction=None): print(filepath,size,text,setFont,fillColor) #打开图片 image=pic_open(filepath) #新建绘图对象 ...
right_frame) # update image on gui self.left_image.configure(image = left_frame_gif) self.left_image.image = left_frame_gif self.right_image.configure(image = right_frame_gif) self.right_image.image = right_frame_gif self.frame_number.configure(text = "Current frame = " + self.left_...
image.show()#保存pic_save(image,filename)defpic_save(image,filename):#保存image.save(filename)if__name__=="__main__": size=None#gen_img()#** ImageFont模块**#选择文字字体和大小setFont = ImageFont.truetype('C:/windows/fonts/Dengl.ttf', 20)#设置文字颜色fillColor ="#0000ff"#蓝色te...
size',fontsize draw.text((10, 25), txt, font=font) # put the text on the image image....
使用Image.Draw.Draw对象的text()绘制水印文字; 使用ImageEnhance中的Brightness中的enhance()设置水印透明度。 5 实现过程 5.1 原始图片 我们设置一个原始图片的存储目录,比如: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 F:\python_study\image\image01 ...
3. windows 64 Python 2.7安装image,依赖安装Pillow,报错pip-build-sl1urw\pillow failed with error code 1,给出提示链接 4. python命令行中执行uiautomator中基本命令,d.info 或 d(text="Settings").click(),无响应 5. Run the jsonrcp server on Android device gradlew cC过程卡在 > Building 96% > ...
draw.multiline_text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=font_color, align='center') 保存图像或显示图像: 代码语言:txt 复制 image.save('output.png') # 保存图像 image.show() # 显示图像 这样就可以使用PIL库在图像中使多行文字水平和垂直居中了。
drawable.text ((10, 10), “Hello”, fill=(255,0,0), font=ttFont) 例子:Draw a Grey Cross Over an Image importImage, ImageDraw im= Image.open("lena.pgm")#Creates an object that can be used to draw in the given image.draw =ImageDraw.Draw(im)#draw.line(xy, options) => Draws ...
(often using the non-answer, convergent evolution ). Since apes and humans have traits in common, this is evidence of a common Designer. Macaque will not make tools, original image: Hippopx With their failed historical science machinations, evolutionists are bringing tears of embarrassment to ...