DecompressionBombError: Image size (2791309312 pixels) exceeds limit of 178956970 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack. fromPILimportImageImage.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS=2800000000 设置最大像素值为28亿。
当训练图片过大可能会报如下错: PIL.Image.DecompressionBombError: Image size (388778250 pixels) exceeds limit of 178956970 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack. 解决:自行修改图像最大限制,rtdetr_pytorch/src/data/ 文件添加如下代码:
1.使用Image类打开本地图片 要从文件中加载图像创建 Image 类的实例,可以使用 Image 模块的open()方法。 from PIL import Image img ="./test.jpg") 1. 2. 3. 执行成功,函数会返回一个 Image 对象。如果图像文件打开错误,则会抛出 OSError 错误。 注意在使用交互式处理图片文件...
changing line: MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = int(1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 4 / 3) to: MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None Please login the docker as below. $ docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --rm -v /home/morganh:/home/ Then modify the/us...
"""img = bbox = _trim_image(img, tolerance)ifbbox: newbbox = (max(bbox[0] - minborder,0), max(bbox[1] - minborder,0), img.size[0] - max(img.size[0] - bbox[2] - minborder,0), ...
warn( f"Image size ({pixels} pixels) exceeds limit of {MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS} pixels, " "could be decompression bomb DOS attack.", DecompressionBombWarning, ) [文档]def open(fp, mode="r", formats=None): """ Opens and identifies the given image file. This is a lazy operation; this ...
Thumbor request URL (the image is 7403x11104 pixels 300 dpi, 24 bit) Expected behaviour Thumbor should be able to resize Act...
plt.title('The color image to gray image') 使用函数convert()来进行转换,它是图像实例对象的一个方法,接受一个 mode 参数,用以指定一种色彩模式,mode 的取值可以是如下几种: · 1 (1-bit pixels, black and white, stored with one pixel per byte) ...
24.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS Used in20projects 25.fromstring() Used in19projects 26.ADAPTIVE Used in19projects 27.html() Used in17projects 28.CUBIC Used in14projects 29.isImageType() Used in11projects 30.DecompressionBombWarning() Used in9projects ...
PIL(Python Image Library)是一种免费的图像处理工具包,这个软件包提供了基本的图像处理功能,如:改变图像大小,旋转图像,图像格式转化,色场空间转换(这个我不太懂),图像增强(就是改善清晰度,突出图像有用信息),直方图处理,插值(利用已知邻近像素点的灰度值来产生未知像素点的灰度值)和滤波等等。