$sudo apt-get build-dep python-imaging$pip install http://effbot.org/downloads/Imaging-1.1.7.tar.gz Install PIL on Ubuntu Oneiric In order to use ttf fonts, installation on Oneiric requires some symlinking. See: http://jj.isgeek.net/2011/09/install-pil-with-jpeg-support-on-ubuntu-oneiri...
1.下载匹配的whl文件 下载地址:https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ 选择匹配版本 cp后面跟的是python版本 win后面跟着位数。 这些这样查询 显示我的是3.6.3版本 32位 找匹配文件如下: 2.开始安装: C:\Users\lenovo>pip3 install C:\Users\lenovo\Downloads... ...
当你pip install scrapy 遇到如下问题时 解决方案 通过在https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#twisted,然后下载: CP后是python 版本,32或者64是windows版本 根据自己电脑的配置进行下载 安装时,运行cmd,输入pip install + 文件路径 即可 例如: pip install C:\Users\A...win...
开发平台是Mac,需要用到Python的图像处理库PIL,下面记录了安装过程以及出现的问题。...基本安装过程是这样的,使用命令pip进行安装 $ pip install PIL Downloading/unpacking PIL Could not find any downloads that...,提示需要添...
Python图形图像处理库的介绍之Image模块http://tojaoomy.iteye.com/blog/1413810 微博关键字图片生成算法http://ued.ctrip.com/blog/?p=2471 Matplotlib的官方文档http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/Matplotlib.pdf 3.References: http://askubuntu.com/questions/156484/how-do-i-install-python-imaging-library-...
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/uname -i-linux-gnu/libz.so /usr/lib/ 会出现找不到 libfreetype6 如下操作可以解决 cd /usr/include ln -s freetype2 freetype pip install PIL --allow-external PIL --allow-unverified PIL 最后出现表示安装成功 ...
If no errors are found and the required libraries are installed (like JPEG support), install PIL: sudo python setup.py install And that's it, I've tried this on Mac OS Leopard, and it works fine, let me know how it went for you....
How do I install PIL/Pillow for Python 3.6?pip install pillow应该是答案 否则,你可以尝试Anaconda...
我在py3.4下使用Django的imageField。 在我的Arch上运行正常,但是在服务器(centos)上运行时,报错为 To use ImageField, you need to install the Python Imaging Libraty.Get it at ...(url) 给出的网址是PIL的,但是只支持py2。 1. 为什么py3.4的Django需要去用一个py2的库呢? 而且用pip尝试安装这个库发...
How to install pip install pdf2image Windows Windows users will have to build or download poppler for Windows. I recommend@oschwartz10612 versionwhich is the most up-to-date. You will then have to add thebin/folder toPATHor usepoppler_path = r"C:\path\to\poppler-xx\bin" as an argumen...