fromPIL import Image, ImageDraw # 创建一个白色背景的图像 width, height = 200, 100 image ="RGB", (width, height),"yellow") # 创建一个ImageDraw对象,即获取图像的绘制对象 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # 在图像中心绘制一个红色矩形 rect_width, rect_height = 50, 30 left = 0...
还有一个测试图片test.jpg, 一个log图片,一个字体文件'''#图片的基本参数获取try:fromPILimportImage, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageEnhanceexceptImportError:importImage, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageEnhancedefcompress_image(img, w=128, h=128):'''缩略图'''img.thumbnail((w,h))'test1.png','P...
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw def draw_on_image(image_path): # 创建图像对象 image = # 调用ImageDraw.Draw()函数,创建绘制对象 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # 绘制操作 draw.line([(0, 0), (100, 100)], fill='red', width=2) draw.rectangle([(50,...
draw=ImageDraw.Draw(logo)# 设置字体为FZZJ-YGYTKJW.TTF,字号为32Font=ImageFont.truetype('FZZJ-YGYTKJW.TTF',32)#在左顶点坐标为(0,50)的位置绘制颜色为橙色orange的‘可以叫我才哥’文本 draw.text((0,50),logoName,fill='orange',font=Font)# 将logo图片旋转45度 logo=logo.rotate(45,expand=True)retu...
Python图像处理库PIL的ImageDraw模块介绍 truetype()加载一个OpenType/TrueType字体。注意:这个函数依赖于第三方库,而且并不是在所有的PIL版本中都有效。 (IronPIL)加载内置的字体,使用ImageFont模块的...ImageDraw模块提供了图像对象的简单2D绘制。用户可以使用这个模块创建新的图像,注释或润饰已存在图像,为web应用实时产...
Python之PIL库中的ImageDraw对象提示 ‘ImageFont‘ object has no attribute ‘getmask2‘,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from io import BytesIO from urllib.request import urlopen url = "" file = BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()) img = img = img.convert("RGBA") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img,...
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont img ='01.jpg') # 创建Draw对象: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # 字体颜色 fillColor = (255, 0, 0) text = 'print text on PIL Image' position = (200,100) draw.text(position, text, fill=fillColor) ...
font_en = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Microsoft Yahei.ttf',38) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) #指定字体和颜色(RGB) draw.text( (0,100), u’He acknowledged his faults.', font=font_en,fill=(0,0,0)) del draw 结果如下: 畅享全文阅读体验...
支持2D图像The ImageDraw module provide basic 2D graphics support for Image objects. It can for example be used to create new images, annotate or retouch existing images, and togenerate graphics on the fly for web use. For a more advanced drawing library for PIL, seeThe aggdraw Module. ...