合成Image.blend(i1,i2,a)/Image.composite(i1,i2,mask) 缩略图 thumbnail(size,filter=None) Modifies in-place,Preserves aspect ratio >>> myImage.thumbnail ((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS) 剪切crop(bbox) >>> bounds = (100, 100, 400, 400) >>> cutoutIm = myImage.crop (bounds) 粘贴pa...
合成Image.blend(i1,i2,a)/Image.composite(i1,i2,mask) 缩略图 thumbnail(size,filter=None) Modifies in-place,Preserves aspect ratio >>> myImage.thumbnail ((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS) 剪切crop(bbox) >>> bounds = (100, 100, 400, 400) >>> cutoutIm = myImage.crop (bounds) 粘贴pa...
合成Image.blend(i1,i2,a)/Image.composite(i1,i2,mask) 缩略图 thumbnail(size,filter=None) Modifies in-place,Preserves aspect ratio >>> myImage.thumbnail ((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS) 剪切crop(bbox) >>> bounds = (100, 100, 400, 400) >>> cutoutIm = myImage.crop (bounds) 粘贴pa...
process(self, image) if self.mode != 'gray': raise RuntimeError("EqualizeHistogram only supports grayscale images.") if self.region == 'bbox': bbox = image.split()[1].getbbox() croppedImage = image.crop(bbox) croppedImage.load() alpha = croppedImage.split()[1] croppedImage = ...
ImageChops.composite(image1, image2, mask) ⇒ image Same as the composite function in the Image module. 一样的复合函数在图像模块。 offset(抵消) ImageChops.offset(image, xoffset, yoffset) ⇒ image ImageChops.offset(image, offset) ⇒ image Returns a copy of the image where data has be...
一、The Image Module(图像模块) The Image module provides a class with the same name which is used to represent a PIL image. The module also provides a number of factory functions, including functions to load images from files, and to create new images. ...
transpose(Image.ROTATE_270) bb = im.crop((0,8*p,128,8*p+8)).transpose(Image.ROTATE_270) diff = ImageChops.difference(pr, bb) di = diff.getbbox() if di is not None: (x0, y0, x1, y1) = di self.command(COLUMNADDR) self.command(y0) self.command(y1 - 1) self.command(PAGE...
cropim.crop(box) => image Returns a rectangular region from the current image. The box is a 4-tuple defining the left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinate. This is a lazy operation. Changes to the source image may or may not be reflected in the cropped image. To get a separate...
三、Image类的方法: 1、Convert 2、Copy 3、Crop 4、Draft 5、Filter 6、Fromstring 7、Getbands 8、Getbbox 9、Getcolors 10、Getdata 11、 Getextrema 12、Getpixel 13、Histogram 14、Load 15、Paste PIL基本概念 通道(bands)、模式(mode)、尺寸(size)、坐标系统(coordinate system)、调色板(palette)、信息...
crop_x = F.to_pil_image((crop_x + mean_color) /255.0) labels = labels.cpu().numpy() labels *= transform.out_size / transform.label_scale_factor bndbox = np.concatenate([ labels[:2], labels[2:] - labels[:2]]) show_frame(crop_x, bndbox, fig_n=1, pause=1) ...