# Importing the PIL library fromPILimportImage fromPILimportImageDraw # Open an Image img=Image.open('car.png') # Call draw Method to add 2D graphics in an image I1=ImageDraw.Draw(img) # Add Text to an image I1.text((28,36),"nice Car",fill=(255,0,0)) # Display edited image...
(中下角) text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(text, font=font) x = (width - text_width) / 2 y = height - text_height - 10 # 留出一些边距 # 添加文本 draw.text((x, y), text, fill=text_color, font=font) # 保存图片 image.save(output_path) # 示例调用 add_text_to_image...
# cv.putText(AddText, text, (250, 500), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 2.0, (150, 160, 250), 5) # cv.putText(AddText, text, (250, 500), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 2.0, (150, 160, 250), 5) # cv.putText(AddText, text, (250, 500), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 2.0, (150, 160,...
将文本绘制到临时空白图像中,旋转它,然后将其粘贴到原始图像上。您可以将这些步骤封装在一个函数中。祝你好运找出要使用的确切坐标 - 我的冷雾大脑现在不适合它。 这个演示在图像上倾斜写黄色文本: # Demo to add rotated text to an image using PIL import Image import ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageOps im=...
add_to_image.text(temp_start, str(temp_c), font=text_medium, fill="white") device.display(output) 这使我能够只更新我想要的屏幕部分,其余部分保持原样,最重要的是,在重写信息时不会有半秒钟的空白屏幕。欢迎提出优化建议! 我仍然需要查看内存使用情况,当不同区域同时更新时感觉有点缓慢。但它有效! 查...
logoim = Image.open(logo_path) bw, bh = baseim.size lw, lh = logoim.size baseim.paste(logoim, (bw-lw, bh-lh)) baseim.save('test3.jpg','JPEG') print u'logo水印组合成功' def text_watermark(img, text, out_file="test4.jpg", angle=23, opacity=0.50): ...
width, height = image.size; ** ImageFont模块** 选择文字字体和大小 setFont = ImageFont.truetype('C:/windows/fonts/Dengl.ttf', 20), 设置文字颜色 fillColor = "#ff0000" 写入文字 draw.text((40, height - 100), u'广告', font=setFont, fill=fillColor) ...
# 导入Image模块 from PIL import Image # 打开图片 im = Image.open("D:/python 代码/图像处理/代码/bjsxt.png") # 显示图片 im.show() # 查看图片信息 print(f"图片的格式是:{im.format}") print(f"图片大小,格式是(宽度,高度):{im.size}") ...
View Image Qupil is a music teacher management software to quickly and easily organize student and lesson data. The program helps to complete the repetitive tasks in the music school business. The lesson preparation is done quickly, as you get the entire lesson history to a student displayed wi...
Image是pillow库中一个非常重要的模块,提供了大量用于图像处理的方法。使用该模块时,首先需要导入。...>>> from PIL import Image 接下来,我们通过几个示例来简单演示一下这个模块的用法。...(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #水平翻转 >>> im = im.tran...