My Nintendo StoreGamesNintendo SwitchNews & EventsPlay Nintendo Store Games Pikmin™ 4 Nintendo Switch Pikmin™ 4 Select a product DigitalPikmin™ 4 $59.99 PhysicalPikmin™ 4 $59.99 Regular Price:$59.99 Eligible for up to300Gold Points ...
Discover a strange new world inhabited by tiny plant-like creatures in Pikmin 4 forNintendo Switch! Try it for free Immerse yourself in this floral adventure with the free demo and transfer your progress to the full game. Just click the Download Demo button on the right to get started. ...
Pikmin 4 is the fourth main-series game in the Pikmin series, released in 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. The game sees the newest recruit of the Rescue Corps exploring the planet PNF-404, with the goal of rescuing Captain Olimar, the rest of the...
Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Pikmin 4 on the Nintendo Switch, with a game help system for those that are stuck
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Pikmin 4 - Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch OLED Model, Nintendo Switch Lite Physical Explore a vibrant world filled with unique challenges and puzzles Utilize the special attributes of different Pikmin types, such as Red Pikmin's fire resistance and Ice Pikmin's freezing effects, to nav...
Pikmin 4 (North American Nintendo Switch edition) on $50.69 Eligible for Super Saver Shipping! Video Game Pikmin 4 Name Pikmin 4 Nickname North American Nintendo Switch edition Alternate Nickname Release Date 2023-07-21 Release Publisher Nintendo Co., Ltd. Platform Nintendo ...
Pikmin 4 überzeugt mit einer stimmungsvollen Atmosphäre, neuen Charakteren und einer knuddeligen Optik auf ganzer Linie. Es gibt nur wenige Spiele, welche Geschicklichkeit, Rätsel und Strategie-Elemente so gut kombinieren. vor einem Jahr Test: Bitte kaufen, liebe Switch-Spieler, denn die...