Hand-Stand Push Up - Wall AssistedLateral body extensionsOne Arm Gymnastic Ring Hand-Stand Push UpPike Press - Wall AssistedPrayer pushQuadruped shrugReverse Arnold Press - bodyweightSkull crusher pushupSliding forearm pressSliding Vertical PushupVertical Dips - HalfMuscles Used Anconeus Anterior ...
This is one pike push-up. Start with as many pike push-ups as you can. Eventually aim for a set of 10-15 reps. As you improve, you can increase the amount of sets you do each time you exercise. Since the shoulders can be a delicate area of muscles, it's important to avoid ...
The plank should look like the starting position for a pushup, where your palms are on the ground, arms are straight, and the body (i.e. legs, torso, neck) is aligned. This move will work your abdominal muscles, lower back, triceps, and all major leg muscles.[2] Your body should ...