Popular in Grammar & Usage See All Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up ...
a shortened form ofturnpike Biographical Definition Pike biographical name ˈpīk Zebulon Montgomery 1779–1813 American general and explorer More from Merriam-Webster onpike Nglish:Translation ofpikefor Spanish Speakers Britannica English:Translation ofpikefor Arabic Speakers ...
Get into a press-up position with your hands wider than shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist and lift your heels off the floor, keeping your back straight, so your body forms an upside down V-shape. Bend at your elbows to lower your head towards the floor. Then push back explosively...
"Formerly the chief weapon of a large part of the infantry; in the 18th c. superseded by the bayonet" [OED]; hence old expressions such aspass through pikes"come through difficulties, run the gauntlet;"push of pikes"close-quarters combat." GermanPike, Dutchpiek, Danishpik, etc. are from...
“I think if we push on we shall have her empty by noon tomorrow.” “I have a cargo to go back with you, you know,” the merchant said, “and I shall want to see you at the office, if you will step round tomorrow after you have cleared.” “All right, Mynheer, you may ...
on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - master To authenticate with the GitHub API, you will need to set your GitHub Personal Access Token, as the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN To Invoke a workflow, it is then: pike invoke -workflow master.yml -branch master -repository JamesWoolfenden...
Muddler, bass flies, smallie on the fly, bucktail, sinking line, push water Deep in my heart Deep in my heart, I prefer stream flyfishing for trout. However, Holland has precious few trout class streams, and next to none fishable trout, so most of my local flyfishing is for warmwa...
Summer is a time where the oxygen levels and water levels can drop considerably, forcing the pike to push in very shallow spots where the flow is stronger because the water cooler with more oxygen. When I guide in summer I usually stop in places that looks like a trout stream, where the...
John McCain, the former leader in the push for amnesty for illegal aliens, faces a tough Senate challenge in Arizona. He has passed the baton for the time being to Lindsey Graham to take the charge on amnesty. Graham is not up for election this year and therefore doesn't feel as though...