Pikachu is a Mouse Pokémon from the Pokémon series. It debuted in the series' first generation, and is considered part of the "perfect-attendance crew" throughout the Super Smash Bros. series. Similarly to Mario and Link, Pikachu is one of the...
Pikachu are a Pokémon character species that appears in a variety of movies, animated shows, video games, comic books, and on trading cards. Pikachu's design was created by Atsuko Nishida and Ken Sugimori for The Pokémon Company - a corporation in Japa
Explore with Pikachu! Pikachu sets out on a voyage of exploration! The little Pokémon is looking for a home. Then it lands on a mysterious island. Pikachu begins to explore. What new friends will it meet? Join Pikachu in this heartwarming adventure as it discovers new places, foods, music...
Pikachu is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4. Its return to the series was announced during the E3 Nintendo Direct on June 11th, 2013. It was also among the first wave of amiibo that are compatible with SSB4. Ikue Ōtani reprises her role...
-Heart of Darkness (Conrad) March 19, 2011 pikachu commented on the word bastion Bam to behold, a public bulletin board, built of both brilliance and barbarity by bastards with boners. This bastion, no mere bulwark of boredom, is a brutal barrage of blistering bullshit, barely benevolent...
Fall in love with this charming Mew necklace featuring a heart-shaped tail! Created for Pokémon Center by RockLove, the beautifully sculpted, polished pendant is made of genuine rose gold-plated sterling silver and accented with blue-and-white enamel eyes. The pendant is attached i...
WhileDetective Pikachudoesn't have the tightest script and has all the typical cliches of a buddy comedy where a human character is teamed up with a talking animal, the film still does an amazing job of bringing tons of Pokemon to life in a story with plenty of heart and charm. It wasn...
:heart: Written November 29, 2019 Fxnarij Amazing work! Any Idea what could cause these greenish artifacts around pikachus mouth and tail tho? Written November 29, 2019 mickeymorgan this is probably because of the light translucency in the fur material as the parts are being curved ...
When Tim went to Lyme, he didn't want anything to enter his heart. But he established friendship with the hopeful Detective Pikachu, which made him try to find his father. On another level, this is a very inspiring story about the relationship between fa...
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