CloudWatch Logs data protection can find the following types of personally identifiable information (PII). If you set a data protection policy, CloudWatch Logs scans for the data identifiers that you specify no matter what geolocation the log group is located in. The information in the Countries ...
Il Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) del Canada stabilisce che i dati personali includono tutto ciò che può identificare un individuo, comprese le informazioni personali online, da solo o in combinazione con altri dati. ...
For more information visit ProvisionaClhcahpatpetre4r CChhaalllleennggeess ooff MMaannaaggiinngg CChhiillddhhoooodd MMaallaarriiaa iinn aa DDeevveellooppiinngg CCoouunnttrryy:: TThhee CCaassee ooff NNiiggeerriiaa Tagbo Oguonu and Benedict O. Edelu Tagbo Oguonu and ...