docker run -d --name pihole -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai -e WEBPASSWORD=管理页密码 -e ServerIP=NAS IP -e WEB_PORT=管理页端口 -e DNSMASQ_LISTENING=local -v /volume1/Docker/pihole/pihole:/etc/pihole -v /volume1/Docker/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d --network=host --restart=unless-stop...
# More info at and services: pihole: container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest ports: # DNS Ports - "53:53/tcp" - "53:53/udp" # Default HTTP Port - "80:80/tcp" # Default HTTPs Port. FTL will...
Star0 Files master .github .idea advanced automated install block hulu ads manpages test .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore .stickler.yml .travis.yml LICENSE autotest pihole requirements.txt ...
restartDNS echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" } statusFunc() { local addnConfigs # Determine if service is running on port 53 (Cr: if (echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/53) >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${1}" != "web" ]]; then ...
'false' VIRTUAL_HOST: # Same as port traefik config WEBTHEME: default-dark PIHOLE_DOMAIN: lan volumes: - '~/homelabservices/pihole/pihole:/etc/pihole/' - '~/homelabservices/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d/' restart: always networks: traefik: ipv4_address: 172....
Fix: If your Pi-hole container gets aDNS service not running, uninstall the Synology Package named “DNS Server” or “DHCP Server” which conflicts with Pi-hole on port 53 and doesn’t let your DNS work. Fix: If you experience connections problems, remember to set your Synology Firewall ...
Now we will download Putty, which is an SSH client we will use in order to communicate with the Raspberry Pi. Clickhereto download. Step 11 Open Putty and set hostname as “raspberrypi.local” and port as “22”. Then press “Open”. ...
14. At this stage, we can now move on to getting Pi-Hole on your Raspberry Pi to use the Unbound DNS server. With your Pi-Hole web interface open, you will need to open the settings screen by clicking“Settings” in the sidebar. 15. Now that you have the settings open, change to...
Nextcloud disconnected when on local DNS ℹ️ Support pi-hole , splitbraindns 2 163 2024 年5 月 11 日 [SOLVED] ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to access NC through internal network ℹ️ Support pi-hole , reverseproxy , dns 3 448 2024 年4 月 6 日 ...
port=443; else port=80 fi bad_list=$(pihole -q -adlist "${domain}" | head -n1 | awk -F 'Match found in ' '{print $2}') echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} ${domain} is blocked by ${bad_list%:}. Using DNS on ${PIHOLE_DNS_1} to download ${url}"; echo ...