其实并不是的,被污染的只是docker hub这个网址,而其中的容器并没有遭到污染,也就是我们还是可以正常拉取的,通常情况下使用docker pull就可以了。而绿联虽然没有开放SSH的权限,但是自带的容器中心还是可以直接pull镜像。熊猫今天便以开源广告拦截器Pi-hole为例展示一下在现阶段绿联如何去拉取镜像! 京东 绿联私有云DX...
1. 安装 Docker 首先,你需要在你的服务器上安装 Docker。可以按照官方文档提供的方式进行安装。 2. 创建 Docker 网络 在设置 Pi-hole 之前,我们需要创建一个 Docker 网络,用于容器之间的通信。 docker network create pihole-net 1. 3. 下载 Pi-hole 镜像 接下来,我们需要从 Docker Hub 上下载 Pi-hole 镜像。
docker import http://example.com/exampleimage.tgz example/imagerepo 1. 8.删除容器: docker rm -f 容器id 1. 清除所有处于终止状态的容器: docker container prune 1. 9. 退出容器三种方式: 方式一:(在容器内) exit或者快捷键ctrl+D,退出后容器消失,docker ps查不到,若需再次启动,要使用命令:docker st...
This version of the docker aims to be as close to a standard Pi-hole installation by using the recommended base OS and the exact configs and scripts (minimally modified to get them working). This enables fast updating when an update comes from Pi-hole. https://hub.docker.com/r/pihole/...
All the images used by the pihole/docker-pi-hole repo to build the contents of that repo Tag Patterns: Multiarch Debian Version tags, such as buster-slim and bullseye-slim. These are always the latest builds for the given debian version All images are pushed to both Docker Hub (pihole/...
Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code Docker Hub 14079September 25, 2019 Need help - Failed docker install on Ubuntu 18.04 General 12026October 3, 2019 Install docker-ce failed on Ubuntu 16.04.4 ...
现在,将pihole用作您的DNS,而不是其他任何DNS。 转到Windows中的dns设置… 设置–>网络和Internet –>以太网(如果您已连接到以太网)或WiFi(如果您的笔记本电脑已连接至wifi)–>更改适配器选项–>右键单击wifi或以太网,然后转到属性–>选择ipv4 –>属性–>将dns更改为pihole的ip。
This happens more often than I'd like to admit. You see, the problem is, most container images like the ones you see on Docker Hub or Quay are built for typical 'X86' computers, like for the Intel or AMD processor you're probably using on your computer right now. Most are not ...
pi-hole in docker I am pulling the pi-hole image from https://hub.docker.com/r/pihole/pihole/More info at https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/ and https://docs.pi-hole.net/Quickstartdocker volume create pihole-etc docker volume create pihole-dnsmasq docker-compose up ...