用password登陆http://$IP/admin, 选择 Group Management -> Adlists ,为 Default 规则组添加两个 URL: https://gitee.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-ad/raw/master/domains.txt https://share.is26.com/subscribe/adblock.hosts 然后再 Tools -> Update Gravity 点击 Update 更新屏蔽域名表...
Simplified Adlists to complete your pi-hole server. Ready-to-use list How to generate a compiled list Create a docker image: docker-compose build Run the program with your preferred lists: LISTS=porn,ads_malware docker-compose run build ...
在Adlists下可以添加其它广告拦截列表 添加广告列表,以下列表参考 github.com/privacy-prot https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt 235329 https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistchina.txt 213355 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD/master/anti-ad-easylist.txt ...
adListDefault="${piholeDir}/adlists.default" whitelistFile="${piholeDir}/whitelist.txt" blacklistFile="${piholeDir}/blacklist.txt" regexFile="${piholeDir}/regex.list" adList="${piholeDir}/gravity.list" blackList="${piholeDir}/black.list" ...
adListDefault=/etc/pihole/adlists.default #being deprecated adListRepoDefault=/etc/.pihole/adlists.default whitelistScript="${PIHOLE_COMMAND} -w" whitelistFile=/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt blacklistFile=/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt readonly wildcardlist="/etc/dnsmasq.d/03-pihole-wildcard.conf" ...
EasyList is immensely popular and effective; it is one of the adblocking lists loaded into highly regarded and effective wide spectrum ad/tracker blocker, uBlock Origin, by default. EasyList was originally designed for Adblock, but has been adapted to many adblocking solutions. This includes Pi...
I went to Group Management>Adlists and added some raw from my ublock origin extension adlists, but it didn't work. I even updated gravity. This is where you add the lists, not sure why it wouldn't be working. You should see on the Dashboard how many domains are being blocked, ...
Pi-hole, pronounced “pie hole”, is a free DNS based ad-blocker that can block ads for all devices on your network. As with traditional ad-blockers, Pi-hole uses community created lists to block access to known ad-serving websites. Traditional ad-blockers prevent the browser from loading...
This is the strongest and the weakest link of the solution, because if the lists are not up to date, happen to be inaccurate, or badly made, you could have gaps or false positives, where legitimate domains get rejected. But for that matter, this is no different than adblocking via ...
Adguard Home (Left) And Pi-Hole (Right) Both Remove The Obtrusive Ad. As you can see from the screenshots, both services accomplished the exact same thing with their default settings and block lists. Admittedly this isn't a great test, as I could have fished around for a more ad-laden...