Define Homing pigeons. Homing pigeons synonyms, Homing pigeons pronunciation, Homing pigeons translation, English dictionary definition of Homing pigeons. n. A pigeon trained to return to its home roost. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English La
[Jeff] sets up an experiment to send 3 TB of data by homing pigeon a distance of one mile to establish a baseline. Next, [Jeff] sends the same 3 TB of data over the internet, and donning the cap of honorary pigeon, simultaneously embarks on a journey by air to his off-site ...
To ensure that only the most skilled homing pigeons were among the breeding stock, the birds were placed in covered baskets and transported to increasingly distant locations; those which returned home had the opportunity to mate, whereas those who lost their way were left to their own devices. ...
Define homing pigeon. homing pigeon synonyms, homing pigeon pronunciation, homing pigeon translation, English dictionary definition of homing pigeon. n. A pigeon trained to return to its home roost. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Languag