African Swine Fever All the information about ASF: how to recognize the disease, how it is transmitted, pictures of lesions, latest news, guides, etc. access African Swine Fever Diseases manual Pig prices Feed commodity prices Pig production data Water medication calculator...
As the identification of transcripts involved immature mRNA fragments, we used four tools, namely Coding Potential Calculator (CPC), Pfam-scan (PFAM), phylogenetic codon substitution fre- quency (phyloCSF), Coding-Non-Coding-Index (CNCI) to remove potential coding transcripts. Finally, 2805 putative...
Similarly to humans, pigs’ brains develop perinatally, with peak brain growth around the time of birth and a rapid period of brain growth from mid-gestation to early postnatal life (Dobbing and Sands, 1979; Pond et al., 2000). Such similarities have led to using pigs in research for ...
Furthermore, pigs in this category are typically at the pivotal period between the disappearance of maternal antibodies and the moment when they can be infected by HEV (weaning and mixing of piglets from different litters). Depending on individual herd management, such animals may be weaned at ...