Current models of DNA degradation and previous research on Icelandic human skeletons predict ancient DNA preservation in the Norse North Atlantic faunal remains to be excellent. In contrast, we found that DNA preservation in Viking-Age pig remains was poor. We posit that this discrepancy in DNA ...
bones, and feathers from various animal species. These alternative protein feeds have been considered for livestock production to balance some of the drawbacks that plant-based protein feeds are associated with, such as the low protein content or presence of antinutritional factors that may reduce fe...
In fact, carbon isotope analysis of pig bones from the Taoshi assemblage (4000 YBP) has shown that C4 plants, such as foxtail millet, formed part of the diet of swine (Jing and Flad, 2002). It has been proposed that there were multiple pig domestication sites in China (Figure 1), ...
This is not perhaps unexpected, given that the sample was chosen to avoid sampling a wild boar as much as possible, based on the sampling site and the size of the bones, but it is reassuring that genetic data confirms this. It agrees as well with the fact that animal, and specifically ...
He said: "Pigs are good swimmers, but not good enough to reach Hawaii. Given the distances between islands, pigs must have been transported and are thus excellent proxies of human movement. In this case, they have helped us open a new window into the history of human colonization of the ...
“train” and she really enjoys it. I have even made sure she sprints each day just to get her used to moving. Exercise and nutrition are closely linked to optimal health in both pigs and humans. Not only does regular exercise strengthen muscles, bones and the cardiovascular system, but ...
Although the most common method for determining the wild/domestic status of animal remains is the analysis of the postcranial bones and sizes of teeth, the reliability of these markers remains debated. In general, no single consensus technique currently exists. Unlike the size and the shape of ...
The pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) was domesticated more than 9000 years ago in multiple areas including near the Tigris Basin and the Far East, as revealed by archaeological evidence from figurines and bones[73]. Including outbred and inbred breeds, there are currently approximately 730 pig breeds ...
Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight fo
Bones were subjected to a breaking strength test [Crenshaw et al., 1981] in which the bones were exposed to a specific stress using a 3-point bending jig (Instron 3366, Instron, High Wycombe, Bucks, UK). The load cell applied a weight of 100 kg at a crosshead speed of 25 mm/min....