The proposed antenna is a dual band PIFA antenna that resonates at 3.81 GHz and 6.22 GHz. Both frequencies are suitable for 5G applications: 3.81 GHz is a reserved frequency in Europe, while 6.22 GHz is used in USA. In this work, the design of the antenna is described in detail and ...
Wide Bandwidth Low Profile PIFA Antenna for Vehicular Sub-6 GHz 5G and V2X Wireless Systemsdoi:10.2528/PIERC21010609Ahmad YacoubMohamed Khalifaand Daniel N. AloiEMW Publishing
Karam, O
4-Alkylcarboxylate sub anisole PIFA PhI(OTFA)2 HPA oxidat 4-cyclohexadienone spirolactoneKita, Y
Approach synth stenine r intramol nitroso cycloadd cyclohexadiene [enone cyclohexenone derive vinyltriflate Negishi alkylzinc Pd2dba3 dppf Bu4NI C-alkylation 1,3-cyclohexadiene; hydroxamate Bu4NIO4 oxidat nitroso; N-O Na/Hg Na2HPO4 reduct cleave; cyclohex...