直到2010年,美国Scripps研究所的Ardem Patapoutian教授带领其研究团队在Science 期刊上发表名为Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels的研究论文[1],研究在哺乳动物中首次发现了可以感受机械力的阳离子通道Piezo蛋白家族[1],凛然开启新领域的大门。Ardem Patap...
1. Coste, B. et al. Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels. Science 330, 55–60 (2010).2. Coste, B. et al. Piezo proteins are pore-forming subunits of mechanically activated chandnels. Nature 483, 176–181 (2012).3. Saotome...
直到2010年,美国Scripps研究所的Ardem Patapoutian教授带领其研究团队在Science 期刊上发表名为Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels的研究论文[1],研究在哺乳动物中首次发现了可以感受机械力的阳离子通道Piezo蛋白家族[1],凛然开启新领域的大门。Ardem Patapout...
1. B. Coste, J. Mathur, M. Schmidt, T. J. Earley, S. Ranade, M. J. Petrus, A. E. Dubin, A. Patapoutian, Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels. Science 330, 55-60 (2010). 2. K. Saotome, S. E. Murthy, J. M. Kefauv...
2. Coste, B. et al. Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels.Science330, 55-60, doi:10.1126/science.1193270 (2010). 3. Guo, Y. R. & MacKinnon, R. Structure-based membrane...
Piezo1andPiezo2areessentialcomponentsofdistinct mechanically-activatedcationchannels BertrandCoste 1 ,JayantiMathur 2 ,ManuelaSchmidt 1 ,TarynJ.Earley 1 ,SanjeevRanade 1 , MattJ.Petrus 2 ,AdrienneE.Dubin 1 ,andArdemPatapoutian 1,2,3 1
Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels. 这篇文章依标题简而言之:发现了Piezo基因是Mechanically acitvated cation channel(机械激活的阳离子通道)的重要组成。但寥寥数字的背后却是不得了的发现。
NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically-activated cation channels Bertrand Coste1, Jayanti Mathur2, Manuela Schmidt1, Taryn J. Earley1, Sanjeev Ranade1, Matt J. Petrus2, Adrienne E. Dubin1, ...
[4] COSTE B, MATHUR J, SCHMIDT M, et al. Piezo1 and Piezo2 are essential components of distinct mechanically activated cation channels [J]. Science, 2010, 330(6000): 55-60. [5] DICKINSON M G, BARTELDS B, BORGDORFF M A, et al. The role of disturbed blood flow in the development...
Piezo1andPiezo2AreEssential ComponentsofDistinctMechanicallyActivatedCationChannels BertrandCoste,1JayantiMathur,2ManuelaSchmidt,1TarynJ.Earley,1SanjeevRanade,1attJ.Petrus,2AdrienneE.Dubin,1ArdemPatapoutian1,2* 1 Mechanicalstimulidrivemanyphysiologicalprocesses,includingtouchandpainsensation(hearing)andbloodpressure...