作品名:山丹丹、黄、蓝组合 艺术家:皮特·蒙德里安 年代:1937—1942 风格:新塑造主义 类型:抽象 材质:布面油彩 尺寸:72.5 x 69 cm 收藏:泰特现代,伦敦,英国 Title:Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue artist:Piet Mondrian Date:1937 - 1942 Style:Neoplasticism Genre:abstract Media:oil,canvas Dimension...
皮特·蒙德里安(Piet Mondrian)高清作品《红、蓝、黄组合》 作品名:红、蓝、黄组合 艺术家:皮特·蒙德里安 年代:1930 风格:新塑造主义 类型:抽象 材质:布面油彩 尺寸:86 x 66 cm 收藏:私人收藏 Title:Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow artist:Piet Mondrian Date:1930 Style:Neoplasticism Genre:...
Piet Mondrian,Composition: No. II with Yellow, Red and Blue, 1927 刚刚过去的2021年,在二级市场上诞生了一件其作品价格第三的作品:画于1927年的《Composition: No. II, With Yellow, Red and Blue》,该作在佳士得纽约20世纪夜场中拍出了2612万美元的价格。作品浓缩了蒙德里安独特美学的纯洁,优雅和极端的...
Piet Mondrian,Composition: No. II with Yellow, Red and Blue, 1927 刚刚过去的2021年,在二级市场上诞生了一件其作品价格第三的作品:画于1927年的《Composition: No. II, With Yellow, Red and Blue》,该作在佳士得纽约20世纪夜场中拍出了2612万美元的价格。作品浓缩了蒙德里安独特美学的纯洁,优雅和极端的...
Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930 Composition No. 10(1939–42), oil on canvas. FellowDe StijlartistTheo van Doesburgsuggested a link betweennon-representationalworks of art and ideals of peace and spirituality. Victory Boogie Woogie(1942–44) ...
View 红黄蓝 纸本粉彩 Red yellow blue by Piet Mondrian on artnet. Browse upcoming and past auction lots by Piet Mondrian.
Piet Mondrian is an artist most famous for his minimalist works, consisting only of the four colors red, yellow, blue, and white. Most people attribute this to his style, but the truth is that his paint behaves in a very strange way where mixing two primary colors only produces another pr...
Composition with Blue, Yellow, Red, and Greyis one of the first groups of pictures that Mondrian executed in his mature neo-plastic style. When he left Holland for Paris in June 1919, he was still using a modular grid and gradated color as the basis of his work. During his first year...
#Project50# 彼埃·蒙德里安 Piet Cornelies Mondrian 从小就开始画画。他的爸爸是个画画爱好者,叔叔是职业画家。出生在荷兰。非常喜欢大自然。一开始很喜欢画风景画,一直到38岁。欧洲北部画家对大自然都有着...
切换模式 登录/注册 独角兽RayRay 人文思考,个人成长。 Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930, Piet Mondrian 蒙德里安画作中的直线激发了某些神经细胞的放电 发布于 2020-12-08 16:54 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 ...