关键词:PierreRobin综合征;小颌畸形;舌后坠;腭裂;高腭弓 中图分类号:R722.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674—6449(2011)05~0335—02 ClinicalFeaturesofPierreRobinSyndrome:ACaseReport WANGHui,HUShan—shan,HUAChun-zhen,QILe,LIShan,ZHUYin-yan,CHENWei—li (AffiliatedHospital,CollegeofClinicalMedicine,HangzhouNorm...
Clinical, light and electron-microscopic, and biochemical observations are presented in an 11 years old boy with Pierre Robin Syndrome; micrognathia, cleft palate and glossoptosis. Respiratory distress and feeding difficulties were early and serious complications of the glossoptosis. Cachexia, a ...
Pierre Robin Syndrome is also known as Pierre Robin Sequence (PRS). The features of this syndrome aresmall mandible (micrognathia), glossoptosis and U-shaped cleft palate. It is a rare malformating pathology and its abnormality happen among infants. Pierre Robin Sequence may be caused by gene...
“Pierre Robin syndrome.” Merriam-Webster.com Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/Pierre%20Robin%20syndrome. Accessed 3 Aug. 2024. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of Pierre Robin syndrome to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of Pierre Rob...
...类,在『健康情形及疾病』面向上,有4名儿童被诊断为皮尔罗宾症(Pierre-Robin syndrome),此外有2名合并患有小头畸 …www.caeip.org.tw|基于4个网页 2. 氏症候群 A2 对患有比羅二氏症候群(Pierre-Robin syndrome)的新生儿,不宜采取下列何种摆位方式以免呼吸道受阻?95-1小儿 A仰 …tw.myblog.yahoo...
Hearing loss was studied in 22 patients with Pierre Robin syndrome (PRS) aged three to 12 years (median 5.0 years). The results were compared to those obtained in 62 patients with isolated cleft palate (ICP) aged one to 27 years (median 5.5 years). Hearing loss was more frequently found...
翻译 Pierre-Robin syndrome [pɪr ˈrɑbɪn ˈsɪnˌdrom] 释义 [医]皮-罗二氏综合征:小颌畸形综合征,舌下垂综合征 行业词典 药学 皮-罗综合征 释义 行业词典
Pierre Robin, a French stomatologist who first described its features in 1923. PRS is an association of congenital micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway obstruction.1 The association of a wide, U-shaped cleft palate was added to the sequence in 1934. PRS is not considered a syndrome in ...
Pierre Robin syndrome [pi`jɛə rəu`bæn] 医学辞典 〔Pierre Robin,法国牙医,1867~1950〕Pierre Robin综合征:见syndrome项下 专业医学词典 小颌舌下垂综合征,皮尔.罗斑(氏)综合征 Pierre Robin syndrome | Pierre-Robin syndrome Pierre-Robin syndrome 专业医学词典 皮-罗二氏综合征:小颌畸形综合...
Pierre-Robin syndrome【口腔】 皮-罗综合征文献(pubmed) 以下为句子列表:英文: Oh, Pierre, you litter bug.中文: 皮埃尔,你这乱丢垃圾的家伙。英文: Pharmacodynamics Study on the Ermingxiao Oral Liquid( 耳鸣消口服液)中文: 耳鸣消口服液药效学研究 ...