Pierre Poilievre on current issues, rising crime in Nanaimo (三月 17, 2023) Self - OPPOSITION LEADER Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre, forcing density along transit routes (四月 8, 2022) Self - Conservative Leadership Candidate QUB radio (2022– ) (Podcast Series) - Self -...
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has found himself to be the subject of online criticism after he posted photos with Inuit alongside a caption about meeting with Algonquin Elders on Parliament Hill on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Poilievre rises during Que...
While Justin Trudeau has beendealing with plane issues in India, it looks like Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre had a smooth flight to Calgary over the weekend, and he even gave an in-flight address. A video shared on X (formerly Twitter), shows Poilievre at the front of a WestJ...
The visit to the Cowichan Valley is part of Poilievre’s “Bring it Home” tour that he is taking across the country. RELATED STORY:INFLATION, CRIME, WAR: TOPICS FOR CONSERVATIVE LEADER POILIEVRE IN KELOWNA “The high housing costs, and the worst inflation and interest hikes that Canadians h...
OTTAWA — Pierre Poilievre rallied a room of conservative faithful gathered in Ottawa Thursday by calling on them to become "champions" of ordinary people.
MP Pierre Poilievre就任联邦国务部长 总理哈珀15日宣布重组内阁,Nepean-Carleton区国会议员,前总理国务秘书Pierre Poilievre出任民主改革国务部长。 Pierre Poilievre,1979年6月出生于卡尔加里市,曾就读于卡尔加里大学,获得国际关系学本科学位。2004年,这位走出大学校门不久、从西部家乡来到渥太华的新居民,作为Nepean-...
《中华导报》报导 Nepean-Carleton区国会议员Pierre Poilievre本月24日在Greely Community Centre举办社区烧烤活动。联邦参议员Mike Duffy,国会议员Dr. Kellie Leitch及社会各界人士近四百人出席活动。《中华导报》社长白刃刃女士,运营总监郑丙峰先生也应邀出席。
Pierre Poilievre on current issues, rising crime in Nanaimo (三月 17, 2023) Self - OPPOSITION LEADER Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre, forcing density along transit routes (四月 8, 2022) Self - Conservative Leadership Candidate QUB radio (2022– ) (Podcast Series) - Self -...
Longtime MP Pierre Poilievre, the contest's perceived front-runner, has announced on social media he won't attend because he is focused on getting out the vote. Lewis had expressed concerns about the need for another debate and in a recent open letter to the party asked w...
图片左起:Liz MacKinnon女士,Nepean-Carleton区保守党社区主席Andy Wang先生,Nepean-Carleton区国会议员Pierre Poilievre先生,西北地区前任省长George Braden先生,皇都地产总裁白刃刃女士,《中华导报》CEO 郑丙峰先生。 图片:环境部长Peter Kent先生与保守党社区全体工作人员合影。 Tags: 热环境部长Peter Kent应邀参加Nepean-...